Beyond Basic: Innovative Stucco Finishes for the Modern Homeowner

breathy kitchen layout

Choosing the correct stucco finish is essential for giving your contemporary house a clean and classy façade. Stucco finishes not only improve your home’s aesthetics but also give longevity and protection from the weather. In this post, we’ll look at the top five stucco finishes for contemporary houses to help you make an educated selection […]

Counting the Cost: What to Expect When Repairing Stucco

couple looking concerned at a laptop

The durability and aesthetic appeal of stucco, a common house exterior coating, are well recognized. However, it may need repairs over time, just like any other material. This detailed guide will go into stucco repair, analyzing what it takes, why it is necessary, when it should be considered, and the accompanying expenses. Explore the expertise […]

Cool As Ice: Stucco Care in Cold Climates

front view of a house surrounded by snow in winter

When it comes to exterior finishes, stucco stands out for its durability, versatility, and timeless aesthetic appeal. However, stucco is not immune to climate influences like any building material. From scorching heat to freezing temperatures, different weather conditions can affect the longevity and appearance of stucco.  In this blog post, we’ll explore what homeowners and […]

Stucco in Cold Climates: A Durable Choice for Harsh Winters

02.6 - stucco maintenance made easy

Stucco, that textured finish often associated with homes in warm, dry regions, might raise doubts about its suitability in areas that are usually plagued by cold temperatures and heavy snowfall. However, the truth is, stucco can be an excellent choice for home exteriors, even in regions with extreme weather conditions. In places where snow and […]

Understanding the Pitfalls of Patching and Painting Stucco: A Guide for Homeowners

05.7 - don't patch or paint your stucco

Stucco exteriors lend homes a distinct charm and lasting durability, making them a popular choice among homeowners. However, the common practice of patching or painting over stucco damage as a quick fix can lead to serious consequences in the long run. At CMB Wayne Stucco & EIFS, we advocate for informed decisions that prioritize the […]

Navigating the Sale or Purchase of a Stucco Home: What You Should Know

04.7 - buying or selling a stucco home

Stucco homes possess a timeless allure, celebrated for their enduring charm, sophistication, and distinct visual appeal. Whether you’re embarking on the journey of purchasing or selling a stucco-adorned property, it’s imperative to be well-informed about the intricacies that underpin a seamless transaction and a rewarding investment. Here at CMB Wayne Stucco & EIFS, we grasp […]